

Bright-firing clays with low content of alkalis and up to 43% AI₂O₃ and a refractoriness up to Seger cone 35 (1780°C), they are ideally suited as binder …

Sanitary ware / Porcelain

Refractory chamottes with low and high thermal expansion for fine fireclay sanitary ware as well …

Technical ceramics

Steatite and cordierite bodies are mainly composed of raw and calcined soapstone. However, binding clays rich of AI₂O₃ and chamottes or …

Bricks / Roofing tiles

Slaty clays from the Lias and Keuper periods optimise pressing, drying and firing properties.Washed potassium feldspathic sand FSW …

Clinker / Stoneware pipes / Chimney pipes

Our clays fire to warm, friendly and constant colours ranging from cream-white to yellow and red. Reduction firing gives beautiful colourful firing effects. Besides …

Plastically pressed wall and floor tiles

Clays firing to friendly colours ranging from cream-white to yellow and red. Chamottes with low rate of water absorption and adapted grain size guarantee stable …

Dry pressed wall and floor tiles

Clays with high green strength and friendly, constant firing colours. Bright chamottes act as a precise shorting material. White-firing feldspathic sand (pegmatite) approved as …

Stove tiles / Earthenware

Clays firing from cream-white to yellow and red for plastic shaping. Chamottes with precise porosity, thermal expansion and grain size for cast and plastically shaped ceramics.

Glaze / Enamel / Engobe

Clays firing to cream-white, yellow and red.
Chamotte as non-binding agent provides AI₂O₃.
Potassium feldspathic sand (pegmatite) and sodium feldspar.


Clays provide AI₂O₃.

Potassium feldspathic sand 0,1-0,5mm as basic raw material rich in AI₂O₃ and K₂O.